Sara donati into the wilderness
Sara donati into the wilderness

sara donati into the wilderness

There's definitely some secrets that her father is withholding. You see her father has set her up with the town doctor, Richard Todd, but it isn't because Richard is a great guy. For some strange reason, she feels an attraction towards him despite her father's wishes. Enter stage left, Nathaniel Bonner, who is a white man, but is a member of the Mohawk tribe. Perhaps she can start over? She has the hope to start a school and educate the children of Paradise, New York. Her father is a judge there and has a lot of land. She has left England behind along with her brother, Julian, to go to upstate New York. She's unmarried and for the time period this makes her a spinster. With no more wars, murderous neighbors, and scheming or vindictive acquaintances in the offing, it is appropriate to end the series.Elizabeth Middleton is pushing 30 years old and the year is 1792. With all the children and grandchildren come home to Paradise, there is not room in the story to do them all justice. Some wonderful and well-loved personalities are only barely sketched.

sara donati into the wilderness

While The Endless Forest is still a heartwarming and absorbing read, the characters and the village have all settled down, and consequently so have the plot twists.

sara donati into the wilderness

The reader rarely has the feeling in this book that things might go seriously awry for the main characters, and never for more than a few pages.

sara donati into the wilderness


While one ultimately expects a happy ending, the previous books were full of action and adventures that kept the reader on edge, where every plot twist had potential for heartbreak, death, or other dire and irrevocable perils. Unfortunately, this results in a story decidedly more domesticated that the rest. Donati brings all the story lines to their denouements in an uncontrived way. The time period of these books covers 1792 to 1824 so they are set after the Outlander books but at the same time a lot of the themes are very similar.įans of the Wilderness Saga will enjoy this final volume, though it is decidedly less vivid and exciting than the author's previous and superlative works and may not attract new fans.


There are five or is it six? books in the series and I'd recommend them to any Diana Gabaldon fan as they have a very similar way of writing and very likeable and realistic characters. The rest is history but of course the path to true happiness doesn't come easy (and let's face it if it did then the story would probably be boring). who is a backwoodsman living life as a Mohawk with links to Scotland. The books start in 1792 when an English woman Elizabeth Middleton goes to live with her father in the wilderness of upstate New York in a small settlement by the name of Paradise in order to become a school teacher. The books are very well written and whilst the plots are no where near as complex as the Outlander books they have many twists and turns to them making them really compelling reading. I found it quite amusing as I already knew what to expect but there is still a sense of "This woman doctor seems really familiar. For those of you who haven't heard of Sara Donati she is a great author and came to my attention because she "borrowed" some of the Outlander characters to make guest appearances in her first book. I decided to finally read "Endless Forest" to finish off the Wilderness Series by Sara Donati.

Sara donati into the wilderness